Monday, February 27, 2012

Camera Choice

I think that I have finally narrowed it down to either a Nikon D300s, D700 or a Canon EOS 7D. Any of these three options will allow me to shoot at the faster frame rate that I will need for the majority of the the sports situations that I find myself shooting these days. It is looking like it will take me a while to pony up the dough  and make the transition. Tax return here I come. I am still at odds about whether or not I am really in need of a Full frame sensor DLSR. I do like the idea but it is hard to justify its expense to myself right this second.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I am working on a new wish list of photography gear. I think that it is finally time to sell the old 1Dx and D100. I am most likely going to try my hand at sport photography and I believe that I will be better served with a body that shoots closer to 7fps. I am not extrememly worried about having huge megapixel numbers like on the new D800's 36 MP. I also need to deversify my collection of glass. I will most likely get my hands on a few primes in the 30, 50 mm arena. That and maybe a 70-200mm telephoto. My real question now is do I go with Canon or Nikon?

From the Navy Days

These are some older pics from my time serving onboard the USS San Jacinto. I like the sky in the picture with the colors most of all.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Number One

This is my first post toward what will hopefully be a showcase of some of my better photographic works in the near future. I hope that you all enjoy it.